Montag, 26. November 2012

Where is the cache?

A Letterbox
At the weekend we made a little geocaching tour in Hespe, Meerbeck and Stadthagen. We found some really nice places of which I didn't know that they exist. ;) Some caches were easy, some were very hard and I think the hardest ever we found on that weekend.

Where is the cache?

Maybe it wasn't that easy as it is autumn, but hey, we never had such a cache and who knows that sort of that is existing. We got finally help from my sister. ;) It was the Bonus of a tour we have made with team Gyldenale in July. I want to show you a pic here and you should please tell me, where we can find the cache. ;)

The other were quite easy. We found them very fast. For the next weekend I have to solve some more Mysteries, so that we can make a little tour again. Maybe we'll also have the time for a little multi.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Ich würde ja mal vermuten irgendwo in dem Ast, der da liegt?
    Wir haben mal einen "Gullydeckel" mitten im Wald gefunden ;)

    1. yeah, you are very close.. will post a pic later today.. ;)
