Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012

Trackables are ready

Yesterday we were in the city of Hameln and we bought some cute little toys for our travelbugs. :) Now we have some Trackables, that can move on in Berlin. :D The sheep is "Lenny the sheep", thats Fynns travelbug. The wolf is "Hjalmar the wolf" and it is my travelbug. The book is for Thordis, it should work like a moving log diary. :) Thordis got the travelbug from Sabrina and Ramon. Maybe one day the book will come home and Thordis can read the entries. That would be really great.
Hjalmar the wolf
Thordis Geo-Diary
Lenny the sheep

2 Kommentare:

  1. haaaah, i've got a wolf just like that! :D so adorable!
    And OMG i love the sheep. Heeheeh.

  2. hehe, yes the sheep is too cute.. Fynn loves Shaun the sheep and needed that as his trackable.. ;)
