Dienstag, 11. September 2012

A weekend back in medieval times

This last weekend we were in Selb/Bavaria on a medieval festival. It was my first festival ever. I got the tickets for our 11th anniversary of Volker & me. :D We drove there with Fynn and we slept in the camper. 
On Friday we wanted to see Triakel. They are from Sweden. Emma, the singer, is from the band Garmarna and we are listening to both bands for a long time. So it was great to see them for the first time on this festival. :) We (Fynn and me) made a pic with the band. :) Fynn is still very proud of it.

Our dress on Sunday
Our dress on Saturday

There were a lot of bands playing on the weekend, like Faun, Stellamara, Schandmaul, Spiritual Season, Schelmish,... We saw all of our fave bands and found also some new bands, like Spiritual Season. They make great music. :) I liked to see Pampatut who were really funny. And it was also funny to see some guys playing "Kohlball". ;)
It was nice to see some new stalls on the festival, not always the same that we see here in the North. :) We also bought a nice wooden "Chalice-fountain".

Oh, and the food was great. I forgot to make a pic of some food, but everything was delicious: Schupfnudeln with mushrooms, Falaffel, hamp flatbread and a  lot more. And I drank some cherry beer. :)
Sadly we had to drive home after the Schelmish concert on Sunday, so we couldn't see Omnia. :( That concert I wanted to see so much, but my son had to go back to school on Monday, so we drove home.

After this weekend we have a lot of plans for our own medieval camp. We want to make furnitures, a tent and everything else we need. ;) If anybody is interested in joining us with that, you are welcome. :) We always look for people to start a camp with..

2 Kommentare:

  1. Also höchstwahrscheinlich werden es vier Jahre sein. Man kann unter Umständen zwar verlängern, aber das ist sehr unwahrscheinlich ... ist also eine absehbare Zeit. :)

  2. Oh, ich dachte, ihr geht länger hin.. aber das kann ja auch schon sehr lange werden..
