Okay, the year 2014 ended very good when it come to geocaching. In December we found some really nice caches. One was in Loccum with a xylophon which I really liked and I was surprised that we were TTF (Third to find) on the second day after it was publised. That would have never happened in Hameln. This cache was also a lot of fun. You need to play a melody and have to finish it by yourself at the end. Thats how you got the numbers to the lock. I was lucky as I only need one try. Volker would have taken much longer for it. ;)
And we also found some very special caches in the region around Petershagen. I'll only show you some pictures and no stories to them. We also saw some nice building and places.
In December we also made the number "1000". That should be a special cache and we also thought that we had taken a special one. At the end we had problems with finding one station (and I had to call a friend) and when we were at the final there were no decoration material in the box with which you could built a little ship. :( That was a bit sad and disappointing. :( So I only made a picture with the box and me.
And as you've seen, we moved in January, so January and February were very busy months with no time for geocaching. So 2015 started a bit disappointing here as well. :( I feel like I want to go outside, but Volker isn't in the mood yet. Hopefully tomorrow. At least I made a "little" tour with Thordis and Fynn. We wanted to find 6 caches. At the end we only found 2 of them as we had to stop after the 2nd. And the 1st one I didn't solve and have to come back as it was too hard to solve withing some minutes. The 2nd also had a tricky box but I found a way to logbook a bit easier. :) This the cache, it looks really funny. ;)