Finally I decided to post some opinions on board games that we have played. Well, the ones in this post we've played this last weekend with Helena and Benni. Those were mostly new ones which played for the first time (and due to lack of time some we haven't finished).
The first one is "Seasons". It is a game of a challenge between wizards. After a long explanation, which isn't so hard at the end, we finally started to play it. First we had to chooses cards that we wanted to play within the game. The game was split into years and seasons. And you had to decide for 3 cards in each of the 3 years. That part was the longest part. The rest was a faster game. Someone rolled the dices and everyone had to take one of the dices (which had energy and other things you needed for the cards). In every season there were other dices and other chances to get other energy. At the end the winner won with the best cards he played in the years and crystals that he got within the game.
Well, my opinion on this game. After I understood the rules, it was very easy to play and much fun to play. But there could be different cards for the first round. But I guess that is solved with the "professional" cards or the add ons you can already buy for the game. I can totally recommand the game. Seasons is for 2-4 players. They say it is for age 14+, but I think also kids around the 11/12 can play it.
Another game that we played this weekend was "Hanabi". This game was a teamwork game, so no winner at the end. The players try to make a firework together. The game is a card game and everyone gets 4 cards. The difference between other card games and this one: You have to hold the cards in your hands that the other players can see them and "not" you. ;) You can give hints to the other player by saying which cards are the same colour or number, but not both at the same time. And the hints are limited. Normally there should be no other conversation around. ;) But when the hints are getting less and less, you start to give hidden hints.. ;) The plan of the game is to make a row of cards from 1-5 in 5 different colours.
I liked this game a lot. It is short, easy to understand (the biggest problem is it to put the cards in your hand, so you cannot see them ;) ) and much fun. It is for age 8+ and 2-5 players. We played it with 4 and 5 players, so I don't know how it'll be with 2 players. But this game is not for players who don't like teamwork.
And the last game I'd like to introduce to you: "Mystery Rummy - Jack the Ripper".. This one was laying in our game shelf for 2 years I guess. The rules were so complicated that we never played it before. But this weekend we finally made it and the rules were harder explained than it was to play. The game is a mix of crime and rummy game. You play cards of crime victims (here Jack the Ripper victims) and after one of those are played, you can play hints and alibis to the murderers. It is a bit like rummy in that way as you can only play hints when you have 3 same hints. The game ends when someone has no more card (like in Rummy) or if Jack the Ripper wasn't found (which can happen after all 5 victims are played).
This game was much fun to play (maybe because I was very good after the first two rounds). It is for 2-4 players, too and age 8+. But here I would put the age higher because of the "Jack the Ripper" theme. After someone understood the rules and can explain it easier, it could be fun to play, esp. if you like rummy and card games. The winner is hidden until the end as the point results can change from round to round.
Please tell me if you want other reviews or short explanation of the games we have at home. You can see a list here on the blog. And I'll do my best to write a review as soon as possible.
And I cannot tell you if the games are available in English. You need to have a look in your country.
Du heißt Solveig? Wie schön! Das ist doch ein isländischer Name oder? Hat es einen bestimmten Grund, dass du so genannt wurdest? :)
AntwortenLöschenSóley ist auch ein sehr schöner Name. :) Ja, mein Name ist Solveig und er wird wohl in allen skandinavischen Ländern gebräuchlich sein. Aber ich glaube, ursprünglich ist er wohl auch Norwegen oder Schweden. Meine Mutter fand den Namen damals einfach nur so schön. :) Heißt Du auch Sóley oder ist das Dein Nickname? Der ist auch isländisch, oder?